Monday, November 23, 2015

The Need to Modernise the Institution of Marriage in India

The Indian society has moved a long way from the manner in which marriage used to be arranged. At a very close look we find that it hasn’t changed very substantially. Even today most marriages are still arranged and child marriage is rampant in our society. The married couple has nothing much to say in their marriage. Decisions are taken by the parents and rituals are decided by the norms of the society. It is more of a family business and there is less scope for individual preferences. The dislike and discomfort comes out only when they begin to live together. Tradition rules the institution of family in India and sometimes children are given away in marriage. Even though there are laws forbidding child marriage it is still followed in many villages. Hence there is a need to modernise the institution of marriage in India.

Women Need To Assert Her Position in the Society

Each day we hear a lot about the violence committed on women. They are victims of oppression all over the world even though they play a vital role in every society; she is not getting the due position in the society. Men are responsible for this pitiable condition of women in the society; but this is also partially because women’s own mistakes. They prefer to stay behind men and want to be taken care of by them. As a result she is discriminated everywhere. Her voice is stifled. Women need to realise that they too are created by God with the same intellectual and emotional capabilities as of men. They shouldn’t feel inferior to men. Rather they should take the lead in the society and walk shoulder to shoulder with men or even walk ahead of them if needed. Only then they will be able to liberate themselves from all the evils they suffer from.

Visiting Japan From India

Visa Application :  To visit Japan from India, you will need to obtain a visa from the Embassy of Japan in New Delhi. You can apply for a vi...

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