Sunday, January 17, 2016

Conservation – Need of the Hour

The earth’s resources are being stressed by human activities, resulting in huge environmental problems such as depletion of the ozone layer, greenhouse warming, habitat destruction, water and air pollution, the deforestation leading to the plight of endangered species. As a result, what we have under our feet and around us is the world bereft of all that is pure, fresh, enriching, life-giving and essentially natural. Obviously, the world we hand-over to our next generation would be without the bounties of nature.

What can we do as individuals and as a society to make a difference? Teachers can help students get involved with recycling at school and students can help their parents start recycling at home. It saves energy. By burning less fossil fuel, we will have less air pollution. We also need to help reduce pollution further. Instead of using cars, we should walk or ride bicycles. We should use paper bags instead of polythene. Global warming should be tackled by reducing the use of air conditioners. Deforestation needs to be replaced by afforestation. We should never waste water and should practice rain water-harvesting. In fact, we should avoid waste of any kind. The need of the hour is to conserve the earth’s resources and protect them from degradation of any kind.

The role of family in the upbringing of children

Family plays an important role in the upbringing of children. The parent’s guide and help their children in inculcating all the good values in life. The lessons taught in the family are never forgotten. Parents become the role models for their wards who pick up the same qualities as they grow up in life. All aspects of a man’s life – his character, sense of responsibility, good and bad habits, ability to cope with difficulties, and his piety – are shaped primarily during his childhood. The bright memories of childhood become strength during trying times. All the great personalities come from great families. Family plays a vital role in the upbringing of every child.

Time is the best healer of man

Man is the most adaptable creation of God. He can survive any tragedy in life and move on with his life. God has given man the ability to leave the past behind and live in his present. There is no memory that time cannot erase from human memory. Everyday number of accidents takes place taking away our dear and near ones; yet we don’t stop living our life. Regardless of what happens to our life the show must go on. Time helps us to wipe our tears that role down from the memories of our dear ones. Recently in the MH17 tragedy hundreds of innocent people lost their lives. Many families got affected suddenly with the tragedy. However with the passage of time the impact diminishes and life regains its lost trajectory.

The role of technology in our lives

Technology has had a pivotal role to play in most of our lives. Even the simplest things of life would become drudgery had it not been for technology. Modern technology has brought with it innovations and has led to changing of people’s lifestyles and working habits. Not only has technology improved our way of living but it has also helped us unravel a lot of mysteries of the past. Our work has now become smoother and faster. The world is now a global village because of the advancements in technology every day. Technology has become a big part of our lives and has also helped create the world we now live in. Thus, irrespective of whether or not technology is good for us we cannot live without it.

Ambition – A Route to Success

The famous writer Bill Bradly once said, “Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.”
Ambition means a strong desire to attain success in one’s life. All of us have certain ambition. Some have good ambition such as to be a famous doctor or a social power etc. Some want to be rich like Bill Gates. If one’s ambition is noble then he will surely prosper. On the contrary if one’s ambition is selfish and narrow, he will surely fail in the long run. A person with bad ambition may initially be successful. But finally his ambition will be frustrated. Most people have an ambition to get power and prestige, wealth and fame. Sometimes they are successful and sometimes they fail depending upon the nature of the means.

An ambitious man is hard working. He exercises his will power and ability. Ambition without industry and will power is meaningless. If a person does not go to the fields, his ambition to be a successful farmer cannot be fulfilled. Similarly, a student with an ambition to be a doctor should study diligently. If he does not work hard, he cannot be a doctor. Hard work brings success and prosperity. Ambition should not turn into day-dreams. Nobody can build castles in air. Only an idle man can do it. It is therefore advisable to be persistent.

Virtuous Upbringing Pays

The guidance of parents keeps the children on the right track. Young adventurous lads didn’t mind stealing for the sake of fun. This may prick their conscience. After realising their fault, they may return, they stole. The mental and psychological journey made him better and a mature human being. Parents help in inculcating good values in the life of their children. The lessons taught in the family are never forgotten. Parents become the role-models for their wards and the same qualities are nurtured in young minds. All aspects of a man’s life – his character, sense of responsibility, good and bad habits ability to cope with difficulties are groomed during childhood. These virtues and memories become his guiding principles of life and prove to be a source of strength during the trying times. Children may deter from the path of honesty but the good grooming overpowers all frailties.

Visiting Japan From India

Visa Application :  To visit Japan from India, you will need to obtain a visa from the Embassy of Japan in New Delhi. You can apply for a vi...

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