To: Marketing Manager, National Marketing Council
From: Research Officer
Date: 18 September 2019
Subject: Purchasing power of consumers across the nation during Jan-Mar 2015
Please refer to your letter no. MM/IM/001 in which you have asked me to study the purchasing power of consumers across the nation during January March 2015 I would like to present my findings and recommendations.
The data for the report was collected from distributors retailers and customers of our Market Sector. Digital data was collected with Facebook AI and advance algorithm for monitoring customer behaviour. A preliminary look into the status first add people in middle income group spend 10% less on food than in earlier quarter. There was no change on expenditure of tobacco and liquor. Zero demand in housing sector was seen. Clothing sector shows a 15% decrease. 5% increase in medical care expenditure was seen. No change is observed in education sector.
Expenditure on public transportation remained same while there was a decline of 20% in sales of new vehicles.
Overall expenditure on necessities like food, clothing, housing and medical care remains same while expenditure on other items decreased.
People spent as usual on tobacco and liquor while still cutting cost on their other expenses.
Overall expenses of people
It is observed that there is a downfall in economy after recent national elections due to which overall purchasing power of people have decreased. 10 to 15% dismisal of employees in all sector is observed, which also effects the data and purchasing power of consumers. Due to wind fall of economy prices of raw material and transportation cost of it to processing plant have increased significantly which has lead to increase in prices of commodities.
Given below are few suggestions which may help in overcoming the problem of consumers.
• Removal of some parties in supply chain and integrated it with enterprise resource planning software will lead to cost cutting in production and will help in keeping price constant and retention of customer in purchasing same quantity of items.
• Decreasing quantities tightly and keeping the prices also help in detention of consumers as observed from past experiences.
• Establishing with Company online and doing E-Commerce help cut cost and easy management of inventories.
I hope that this report will give you an insight into the nature of problem and also its possible solutions.
I would be glad to provide any clarification or additional information regarding required in this regard.
Neeraj Kumar
Research Officer