Sunday, December 27, 2015

Deforestation Leads to an Ailing Earth

There is no doubt in saying that “Deforestation leads to an ailing earth”. Forests are being cut due to which unique biodiversity is being destroyed. Deforestation leads to soil erosion and land results in slides. Trees lose their grip from deep soil and cannot bear the severe intensity of storms. Due to massive felling of trees, about 50 to 100 species of animals are being lost each day. Animals are affected badly. They not only lose their habitat but also the species are being wiped out. The cutting of forests at the highest speed is giving rise to floods which is leading the water level to rise.

Another major problem which arises is global warming. Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide which could be absorbed by trees are being emitted in the atmosphere. Not only the animals lose their homes, but human dependence on local ecology is also being affected. All the problems are inter-related. So, by reforestation and following sustainable practices our mother earth can lead a healthy life.

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