Thursday, December 31, 2015

Most adults are hypocrites

When one is a child, one gets rather annoyed by the innumerable instructions and advices the parents render. All of us as children have thought that our parents’ ultimate goal or purpose is to scold us. What one fails to realize sometimes is that they were also children at some point. When they narrate their stories of mischief or failures to us, it is then that realization dawns on us that they also were like us-prone to doing wrong, subject to discipline and so on and so forth. We realize that our reality was their reality and all of us make a strong vow at some point or the other that we will never be like our parent, that we will be different. What is quite amusing is that though we might be slightly different, we end up being more or less like them simply because that’s how the circle of life works. We can’t let go of our own, we will always be typical protective, paranoid Indian parents for years to come. We will have good qualities in us, but for the most part, as adults will be hypocritical in nature- always finding fault in someone, whence some years ago, we would have done pretty much the same thing.

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