Monday, January 4, 2016

Curbing Crime Rate among Youth

Crimes and criminals have been a part of the human society since times unknown but over the last few years crime rates have risen sharply in metropolitan cities all over India. The more alarming issue is that while earlier greed, lust and power motivated crimes, but today most of the cases are cynical in character. The latest phenomenon in the crime scenario is the involvement of today’s youth even in the most heinous and inhuman acts. National Crime Records Bureau has stated that the people in age-group 16-19 are responsible for a shocking 47% of the total crimes being committed in the country on an average. Crimes related with cyber world, kidnappings, ransoms, murders, rapes behind tinted glasses in moving vehicles, even ragging and road rage fatalities are largely committed by the juveniles who are yet to begin their journey as adults. In my beliefs, the adults are largely responsible for the direction in which today’s youth is headed. There is an urgent need to implement stringent laws and provide value education through schools and other media to ensure curb on crimes among youth.

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