Saturday, December 12, 2015

Is our education effective?

The world of technology touches every part of our lives. The resources available online provide each classroom with more interesting and diverse learning materials. Technologies have increased educational productivity by enhancing the rate of learning and reducing costs associated with instructional material.
Learners First

Student-centred instruction is based on the elimination of traditional teaching practice. The teaching learning process operates on collaboration rather than teachers taking a high seat. Conversation can occur between the teacher and the taught when homework replaces a lot of classroom activities, when learning is based on mutual respect and quest for knowledge. Involving students in conversation about their learning will not only boost up their confidence but they will be able to assess their work critics.
However hard we may try, our schools and colleges are not at par with international standards. We have not yet weaned ourselves or deviated ourselves from the patterns of education introduced by the colonial masters. Rote learning still plagues our system, students study only to score marks in exams, and sometimes to crack exams like IIT JEE, AIIMS, PMT, CAT or MAT. There are very few centres of educational excellence. Our educational institutions do not meet even the minimum standard. Focus on skill based education, inculcation of original and critical thinking, emphasis on research and innovation, involving smarter teachers , redefining the purpose of the education system, providing personalise education, etc are some of the steps which may enhance the standard of education in India.

Apart from providing financial security, parents provide emotional support and security to their wards. As prime educators, schools can also fulfil the role of the parents. If the schools provide a homelike ambience away from home, obviously they are fulfilling the role of parents. The school must realise that each personality handed over to them has special needs.

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