Saturday, December 12, 2015

Redefining role of teachers

Children are born illiterate. They are ignorant of the prevailing norms and achievement of the community in which they have been pushed into. With the right to educational environment they grow in to responsible citizens. Children, right from infancy go through a continual learning phase. A mind is an empty cabinet; it is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.
As educators, their endeavour is to shape students into good human beings with moral values that are necessary to lead a healthy life. Teacher’s prime responsibility is to provide a safe environment and holistic education for the overall development of children. Hence, education has to be student-centric to meet the needs of today’s competitive world.
The traditional approach of lecture and note taking has lost its effectiveness as the modern day. Experimental teaching is the need of the hour. Teacher has to make the learning process enjoyable with subject-based classrooms and smart classes. Students can interact, understand and remember things very easily as these are innovative where visuals have more impact than just reading. The use of technology supports flexibility and choice in curriculum. Classrooms with pads and tablets provide children with an extraordinary learning opportunity. Technology has revolutionised the education sector and paved way for new models of learning. With changing content resources and teaching methods, there is focus on greater involvement on the part of students.

Parents play an important role as primary educators. Both parents and teachers together would be able to make the education holistic and complete. The importance of support system that a student gets from home is equally important as his brain power, work ethics and genetics which all work in the accomplishment of his goal in life.

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