Thursday, December 24, 2015

Save the Planet Earth

It was in the lap of nature that life developed so nature and human life are connected in more than one way. But as soon as humans evolved faster than the other forms of life, they declared their supremacy on the earth. Today, the earth’s resources are being stressed by human activities, resulting in huge environmental problems. Issues, such as depletion of the ozone layer, green house warming, habitat destruction, water and air pollution and the plight of endangered species are a few of these problems.

Many adults and children who are concerned about the future of the planet seem to despair. The motto “think globally, act locally” gives educators a model for teaching students how each person can help to slow down the degradation of the earth. Afforestation is one of the ways to mend the damage already created. By saving our forests and planting more trees we can solve the problem of pollution. Teachers can help students get involved with recycling at school and students can help their parents start recycling at home. This would save energy and we will have less air pollution. This will also help us in finding a solution for global warming. We need to spread awareness about water harvesting as well. The need of the hour is to conserve the earth’s resources in all possible ways for the future generations.

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