Thursday, December 24, 2015

Joys of Playing Outdoor Games

Needless to say, computers have become a constant rage with adults and children alike. The computer, undoubtedly, plays a significant role in our day to day life. Of late, children have become almost addicted to this fascinating machine of new age. The uses of computer have gone beyond its official and functional aims. Whatever time urban children get off their busy lives, their most favourite source of entertainment is computer and video games. As a result, they tend to ignore outdoor games with disastrous effects, obviously. In small town, children are still playing hide-n-seek or flying kites but in most of the so called advanced city set-up, children playing out in street, parks have become a rare sight. Children, today don’t know what they are missing in life by not playing outdoor games.
There were times when children would go out even in the heat of the afternoon to play and they would not like to return home till late in the evening. Those children were obviously happier and healthier. Outdoor games are very good means to physical exercise which keeps one healthy and active, agile and alert. There is no scope of loneliness and tension in this joyful group activity. After the day’s tiring mental work, an hour or two spent in playing takes off fatigue and refreshes us all over again. Sports also teach us to cultivate in us positive values like sportsman spirit, team-work and cooperation which eventually help us in dealing with odds of life.

Similarly, exchange of ideas and thoughts among the playmates broadens their outlook. Outdoor games are often group activities and they bring about an increase in the number of one’s friends which widens one’s social circle. Isn’t playing outdoors more joyful and enriching in many ways than sitting all alone and playing some dead games on computers.

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