Thursday, December 24, 2015

Never break a promise

Abraham Lincoln was once travelling by a stage coach with a colonel. After a few miles, the colonel offered Lincoln a drink. Lincoln politely refused. They rode on. The colonel then offered him some cigars. Lincoln replied, “Colonel you are a fine man to travel with, maybe I ought to take a smoke with you. But before that let me tell you a story- My mother was very sick when I was about nine years old. She called me and took a promise from me never to have tobacco or alcohol as long as I lived. I promised her that I never would and I have kept that promise. Now would you advise me to break it?” The colonel put his hand gently on Mr Lincoln’s shoulder and said, “No Lincoln I wouldn’t have you do it for the entire world. I would give a thousand dollars today if I had made my mother a promise like that and had kept it, as you have done.”

This can be the best definition of integrity.

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