Monday, January 4, 2016

The Increasing Violence among the Youth

The recent years have seen an unprecedented increase in the violence among the youth, often lethal violence all around the nation. Anecdotal evidence of increase in violence by young people against women, children and old people, of abduction, molestation, of road rage and other violent actions to get whatever they want is alarming. This epidemic has caused serious concern to parents, families and the public in general. This has shaken the very roots of the idea of building a peaceful, secure society where the youth become torch-bearers for the progress of the nation. Obviously, the personal losses, the trauma, the emotional pain due to the violent acts are immense. There is a growing fear that our institutions are unable to maintain social order. Brutal violence and the fear of violence have changed the way people live and think and have raised many questions for someone to answer.

One of the strongest influences on the young minds today is undoubtedly media which mainly constitutes television and cinema. The vulnerable youth today are constantly exposed to the media which has a lot to show by means of vulgarity and violence. Scenes of gory violence in films and some of the TV programmes provoke the youth to develop negative and dark thoughts which may, one day, turn into real life deadly scenes. Since media plays a serious role in influencing the youth, it can, in fact, be utilised in increasing awareness among the young. The media has a tremendous potential to communicate, educate and enlighten the ignorant masses to guard against this terrible spread of violence among the youth. The media can be used as a positive channel to direct the energy of the youth in the constructive mould.

Bullying-A Menace

Bullying in school is a worldwide problem that can have negative consequences for the general school climate and for the right of students to learn in a safe environment without fear. I comprises of direct behaviour i.e. teasing, taunting, threatening, hitting and stealing that are initiated by one or more students against a victim. While boys typically engage in direct bullying methods, girls who bully are more apt to utilise more indirect strategies. The key component of bullying is that the physical or psychological intimidation occurs repeatedly to harass and abuse. Students who engage in bullying seem to have a need to feel powerful. Students who regularly display bullying are generally defiant, antisocial and apt to violate school rules.

Bullying is a serious problem that can dramatically affect the ability of students to progress academically and socially. We can take strict measures to overcome this problem. A parental awareness campaign can be conducted during Parent-Teacher Meetings. An initial questionnaire can be distributed to students and the feedback of the survey can help alleviate the problem. Teachers too can work with children at class level. Learning in a safe and fear-free environment should be further ensured.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Growing Old

The old age, an integral part of human life, is the evening of man’s existence. It is unavoidable, unwelcome and often the problem-ridden phase of life. It is really interesting to note that everybody wants to live a long but not an old life! As we think of old age, visions of loneliness and neglect emerge in mind. The picture gets all the more tragic with the failing health and illness.
Every phase of life has its problems but with energy, strength and courage, in youth one can overcome these difficulties. But in old age, man becomes dependent on others largely due to his physical infirmity. Even his own children, to whom he dedicates his life, do not find time for him. The problem gets accentuated especially as the world ceases to have any resemblance to what the elderly were once accustomed to and changes at a bewildering pace with every passing moment.
 At this age, they also begin to realize that time is now not their friend. It passes very quickly. After the loss of someone close to them, they come face to face with their own mortality. For spiritual persons, Godly matters gain more importance.

Growing old is a point in time, a chapter at the end of a journey that began long ago. Those grown old should take satisfaction in the accomplishments obtained. We, as their younger counterparts should take care of them when they most need us.

The memories of the departed souls haunt us throughout our lives

The loss of a loved one brings with it a lot of pain and anguish. We tend to relive the memories and the good times spent together and this eventually brings sadness with it. If this is not dealt with care, it might turn into episodes of depression and denial. We must learn how to deal with the grief over the loss of a loved one effectively. What is important is to understand that not everyone responds to such loss in a similar way. Different people grieve differently. Although it is not an easy exercise, one must understand that it is essential to accept the loss and move on. Keep those memories that make you happy and forget those which haunt you; for memories are a medium to remember and savour the past and not become a nightmare.  

God’s presence can be experienced in all His creations

The Divine spirit permeates the entire Nature. It can be experienced in all forms of life. It exists in man, birds, animals and trees. The same spirit binds us together. Hence there is an understanding of one another which is possible between the different forms of life. Man, thus is able to communicate with all forms of living beings on earth. He can talk to the birds, animals and trees. He shares the same energy that they possess. It is possible only for those people who intensely listen to them. Man can find a meaning in the singing of a bird, rustling of leaves or roaring of a lion or river. When this is possible he experiences God that exists in all His creations.

Grandparents need our love and support in their old age

All of us need love and care, especially those who are vulnerable. Grandparents, in their old age feel neglected and lonely when nobody turns up to care for them. At the pace with which the present generation is moving, we are more comfortable in admitting our old grandparents to various old age homes. As a result, the number of old age homes have increased manifold in the past decade. The grandparents selflessly gave away their prime years of life in taking care of us and providing us with everything that was in their reach. In return, the least all of us can do is to spend a little time with them, be patient with them and love them with all our hearts. Only if we set an example in front of our kids, will they ever take care of us when we grow old.

The need to care for Birds and Animals

Birds and animals have also been created by the same God who created Man. They have equal right to live and survive on this mother Earth. Most of these animals and birds with rampant poaching have been endangered and may become extinct. As such there is an urgent need to take care of these species. The world would no longer seem the same if these birds and animals cease to exist. Many animals and birds which once existed in large numbers have either become extinct or can now be found in very few locations. It would be a terrible sight if humans were to exist on their own, in a huge plastic world. If we don’t take initiatives to save the fauna, our future generations will never know what it feels to look up in the sky and see the birds take off into the air; they will never understand the joy of petting a stray animal.

Importance of Individuality in Life

Individuality is essential in life for a number of reasons. Balance is necessary or there would be so much of chaos in this world. It is amazing to see how each of us is made differently from each other. Even siblings or the most identical twins in the world have significant qualities or an element that distinguish them from each other and that’s how individuality works. Individuality helps us to learn from each other. It is true that we learn from our own mistakes but most often, these mistakes involve other people. We all serve as examples for each other. None of us learn much staring at the mirror. Individuality helps us to learn so much about other people even though we might belong to the same country or city or even the same family. Everyone is so different from each other. Also, we might think we know someone for years but we never truly know anyone fully. There is always something new to learn about people and that’s because the human personality is so dynamic. We are always changing and evolving into something much more. We do not have permanent likes and dislikes; we have constantly changing personalities. This in short is what makes the world interesting. Individuality is thus essential in life.

Most adults are hypocrites

When one is a child, one gets rather annoyed by the innumerable instructions and advices the parents render. All of us as children have thought that our parents’ ultimate goal or purpose is to scold us. What one fails to realize sometimes is that they were also children at some point. When they narrate their stories of mischief or failures to us, it is then that realization dawns on us that they also were like us-prone to doing wrong, subject to discipline and so on and so forth. We realize that our reality was their reality and all of us make a strong vow at some point or the other that we will never be like our parent, that we will be different. What is quite amusing is that though we might be slightly different, we end up being more or less like them simply because that’s how the circle of life works. We can’t let go of our own, we will always be typical protective, paranoid Indian parents for years to come. We will have good qualities in us, but for the most part, as adults will be hypocritical in nature- always finding fault in someone, whence some years ago, we would have done pretty much the same thing.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

While in difficulty any piece of help appears to be very attractive

When in difficulty even a small shred if help brings a wave of relief. We enjoy a hearty meal only when we are really hungry. It is often said that adversities are our best teachers. We learn great lessons of experience in our lives when we confront difficulties in life. And people who come to our rescue during our trials and tribulations appear to be very dear to us. We begin to value their services and remember them always. “The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen. ” 

Laughter is the best medicine to take away anxiety and tension from our lives

Laughter indeed is the best medicine. This has been proven scientifically as various researchers suggest that having a hearty laugh provides the body the much needed free flow of oxygen. Laughing boisterously has a magical effect, not only on the person who is laughing but also on the people around. A happy person is always full of energy and positive vibes. Not only does laughing help the oxygen flow but also chases the toxins out of our system making us physically and mentally refreshed. Laughing is also known to improve our digestion process and also to regularize our body’s hormone secretion. As a result we feel energized and revitalized after a hearty laugh. Thus, one must find happiness in everything one indulges in, and life would become a joyful ride.

Visiting Japan From India

Visa Application :  To visit Japan from India, you will need to obtain a visa from the Embassy of Japan in New Delhi. You can apply for a vi...

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