Climate change and global pollution cannot be adequately tackled without addressing the issue of the world booming population. By the middle of the century, the world population is likely to increase to more than nine billions. The extra resources needed to sustain this growth in population would put immense pressure on the planets life support system even if pollution emissions per head could be dramatically reduced.
The explosive growth in the human population and concomitant effects on the environment has been largely ignored by many of those concerned with climate change. The growth of the world population needs to be reduced if climate change is to be prevented. We urgently need to stabilise and reduce human numbers. There is no way that the growing population can meet its energy needs without unacceptable damage to the planet and a great deal of human misery.
Overpopulation is likely to distort the future of human society. More children do not mean more workers. In fact, it means more people without work. Unless we reduce the population humanely through family planning, nature will do it for us through violence, epidemics and starvation. Population control needs to be given top most priority if we want a safe, healthy, pure and happy environment to breathe in.